BCPD Trust Raft building & Kayaking away day

BCPD Trust a Luton based charity organised a Kayaking & Raft Building event to help young people in Luton to become more confident and encourage more volunteering in the community. Team building events like this also help our volunteers to develop their skills so that they can help more children in Luton. This years event on 7th August was held

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BCPD Trust Kayaking & Raft Building Event

BCPD Trust is organising a Kayaking & Raft Building event to help young people in Luton to become more confident and encourage more volunteering in the community. Team building events like this also help our volunteers to develop their skills so that they can help more children in Luton. This years event planned on 7th August at an outdoor event

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National 6-A-Side Football Tournament in Luton

BCPD Trust a Luton based charity is organising a national 6-A-Side football tournament in Luton on Sunday 1st September 2019. The event would be held at Venue 360, Gipsy Lane, Luton, LU1 3JH between 10:30am and 4pm. Team registration would be held between 10:30am and 11:30am. This would be a 16+ men’s football tournament with professional referees. Each team can

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It may be a national sport, but cricket struggles to attract young players. Can innovations such as street cricket revive the grassroots game?

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