Our Volunteer Tutors
All our Tuition class Tutors are experienced in providing online classes and are University/College students and have DBS clearance. As part of our vetting process we check their qualifications, experience and DBS clearance certificates.
Kamil is a Medical Student who has been tutoring children since 2020 and is a role model for many children. A talented young man with a natural ability to tutor children and currently running our GCSE class.
He has been awarded British Empire Medal by the late Queen for services to education as a volunteer for BCPD Trust.
Eijaz is a Computer Science Grduate with experience in tutoring children online. He is currently running our KS3 and GCSE classes.
Once he graduates he plans to teach and hence is passionate about helping children develop and learn.
Akil is a Finance Graduate now working for the NHS and has been tutoring children since 2020 and is currently running our KS2 classes.
He is passionate about tutoring children and supporting BCPD Trust in delivering key services for young people.
We are always looking for more volunteer tutors to support our Free online tuition classes. There are many benefits to volunteering and if you would like to find out more contact enquiries@bcpdt.org.uk.