Men need to do their share in education

Employers need to allow fathers – as well as mothers – time off to play their part

Powered by article titled “Men need to do their share in education” was written by Letters, for The Guardian on Sunday 21st February 2021 18.10 UTC

Fathers’ involvement in their children’s education is consistently shown to result in better educational outcomes for young people, as well as leading to more positive attitudes, greater enjoyment, better behaviour and – critically – a reduced risk of exclusion (Women doing more home schooling during lockdown than men, 19 February). This applies to primary and secondary education, and relates to the involvement of non-resident fathers as well as fathers in two-parent families. Men clearly need to step up to the mark. But there is also a need for employers to recognise this crucial role and allow time off for fathers – as well as mothers – to play their part and to attend school meetings and consultations.

A cultural change is needed in the UK to acknowledge the all-important role that both parents play in nurturing the next generation, and to give them the necessary support in fulfilling it. As the pandemic has clearly shown, schools cannot educate children on their own.
Fiona Carnie
Alternatives in Education © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010

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