Badminton Club at Venue 360
There is a badminton club at Venue 360 split into juniors and senior members. You will have a coach which will teach you all the skills to play at an intermediate level. You will need to have a basic level skill at playing badminton because you will be tested in your first visitor’s session. The winter badminton season runs until the end of May but starts again from June to August for the summer badminton club. If you are interested to join the winter badminton club, then you have to join one visitor’s session which runs from 7-10pm on Tueday evenings. The visitor’s fees is £7 for adults and £4.50 for under 21s and under 18s. Then, you will be informed at the end of the evening if you can return for another two weeks before a membership application is made for you. There will be a cost for the membership depending on when you start.
Afterwards, if you want to join the summer club, you have to join the visitor’s session for one week and then you will know if you have been joined in the club. The summer visitor’s fee is £7 for adults,£5.50 for under 21s and £4 for under 18s. If you become a member, it is £45 for the whole 13 week period.
At the end of each season, there will be tournaments in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. There will be different types of tournaments like: under 21 and under 18s doubles and singles.