BCPD Trust Training Courses
BCPD Trust Training Courses on How to Improve your Job Prospect was delivered successfully to many students from Luton and surrounding areas.
The Trust provides the following services to young and disadvantaged people wanting to advance their education, skills, profession or want to improve their health through sports participation. Listed below are some examples;
o Professional Mentoring, Guidance, Coaching, Apprenticeships and Works Experience.
o Grants, Bursaries and Scholarship Awards
o Health & Safety Training
o Advanced Computer Skills Training
o E-commerce Solutions Training
o E-commerce Website Development Training
o Apps Development Training
o MS Office Tools Training
o Training on Interview Techniques, CV Writing and Job Searching Techniques
o Legal Seminars and Workshops
o Industry Insight Seminars
o Sports Training and Coaching
If you have interest in any of the above training, use the contact form for more information.