EE has given my pay-as-you-go number to someone else
Mobile phone Giant EE has given one of their pay as you go customer number to another contract customer by mistake
I have had the same pay-as-you-go number for more than 16 years; my son has been using it for the past decade. Recently he unexpectedly received a new sim activation pin. Later that day he found he could no longer make or receive calls.
When a friend rang his number, a stranger answered it. I called EE immediately and was told that our number had erroneously been given to another customer on a monthly contract. I was promised that it would be returned within 72 hours, which indeed it was. Immediately afterwards, my son was called by EE and told that his phone number was a contract number and would be taken away. Whenever I ring I am passed from pillar to post and given promises that are never fulfilled. NC, Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire
EE blames human error. A spokesperson says: “We’re ensuring that the staff member involved is receiving more training … We’ve apologised to both customers for the inconvenience caused and have restored the number, and offered a gesture of goodwill.” The goodwill is £29 worth of credit on your son’s pay-as-you-go account and a refund of the £15 credit he had on his sim when the phone stopped working. However, your son had to buy a new phone while his was out of action and you say each member of staff you spoke to gave you a different reason for the confusion, including fraud and bribery. EE’s efforts to rectify the mistake were dismal and you might still be waiting if you had not invoked the media.
If you need help email Anna Tims at or write to Your Problems, The Observer, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU. Include an address and phone number. © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010
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